Friday, 09 December 2016 10:31

Moving with Pets

Moving can be so stressful that oftentimes we pet owners forget what it’s like for our furry friends to go through a move. Animals usually know when a big change is coming and can sense when their humans are nervous or stressed. Here are some tips on how to keep your pets happy and healthy during your move.

Make Sure Your New House or Apartment Is Ideal for Your Pet

When moving to a new apartment or house, make sure it’s a suitable environment for your pet. If you have a dog, make sure your new home has plenty of places for your dog to go for potty breaks and walks. Especially for apartment residents, keep in mind the size of your dog and the square footage of your home. On moving day, it’s best to keep your pet in a quiet and calm location, like at a friend or family member’s house. Many people also choose to kennel their animals for a day or two. If this isn’t an option, put your furry friend in a spare bedroom or in the bathroom so they can stay away from the chaos.

Keep Your Pet’s Routine the Same

Animals like consistency, so feed and walk your pets at the same time you normally would the day before and the day of moving. Unpack beds and toys immediately so your animals feel comfortable in their new space. Make sure you keep their routine the same for a few days after the move too, as being in a new space can feel scary for a while.

Find out Where the Nearest Emergency Vet Clinic Is

If you’re moving to a different city or out of state, make sure to figure out where the nearest emergency vet is to you. Let your vet know you’re moving so you can bring your pet’s medical records and any prescriptions with you. They can also give you recommendations for veterinarians in your new neighborhood.

Let Your Moving Company Know That You’ll Be Moving with Animals

Denver has plenty of moving companies that are pet-friendly and who realize that moving is just as hard on pets as it is for their humans! If you aren’t able to leave your furry friend with someone while you move into your new home, make sure to let your moving company know ahead of time. Many companies will even be happy to assist with pet needs while moving.